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作者:075玩 来源:互联网 2023-03-21 21:12:15




1.  艾什/DJ- 艾什有三种不同的语音然而DJ的回答是一样的

艾什:我是看错了吗,你穿着的是溜冰鞋?(Do my eyes deceive me, or are you wearing skates? )

艾什:溜冰鞋很可爱,你会在我们开始战斗之前把它们收起来的吧?(Nice skates, very cute.You going to wrap those out before we start the gun fight? )

艾什:大伙儿来看看啊,咱的队友穿着溜冰鞋来上战场了,哈哈哈哈 (Y’all, our teammates is wearing skates. To a gunfight! Haahhaha)

DJ: 你一会儿就知道它们的厉害了 (You will see what they can do)

2.  艾什/百合

艾什:这把步枪做工可真不错,不过看起来有点不好拿。(This rifle is a fine piece of work, looks a little unwieldy, though)

百合:对于外行来说可能是吧 (Perhaps in hands of an amateur)

3.  艾什/大锤

艾什:你还真是穿了不少盔甲,不过我猜你本身也是个大目标 (That’s a lot of armor. Though I guess you are a pretty big target)

锤:哈哈我觉得也是 (Haha, I guess I am)

4.  艾什/托比昂


托比昂:等着看吧,牛仔小姑娘 (Watch it, cow lass)

5.  8D/百合

8D:一枪,一个 (One shot, one kill)

百合:你知道学我的人都是什么下场 (You know what happened to those who mock me.)

6.  艾什/Echo

Echo:你知道吗,我有一次救了杰西的命 (You know, I saved Jesse’s life once)

艾什:那我是不是得谢谢你了?(Am I suppose to be thankful to that?)


7.  根基/巴蒂

根基:我知道和不光彩的过去告别的感觉(I know what it is to leave behind a past you are not pound of)

巴蒂:那我们就放眼未来吧,怎么样?(So let’s focus on future, hmm?)

8.  DJ/巴蒂

DJ: 嘿兄弟,真高兴你来了(Hey man, happy to have you)

巴蒂:我之前的队伍都不怎么样,这次看起来还行 (I have bad luck with teams, this one looks alright)

DJ: 好, 我们要的就是这种精神 (Yeah, that’s the spirit)

9.  大锤/百合

大锤:你觉得你这套连体衣能在我的锤子前面有用吗 (Do you think your fancy jumpsuit would fare against my hammer)

百合:在一发精准的子弹面前,这世界上所有的盔甲都救不了你 (all the armor in the world can’t save you from a well placed bullet)

10.  大锤/艾什

大锤:呆在我身后,我来保护你 (Stay behind me, I will keep you safe)

艾什,谢啦,不过我已经有个保镖了(Thanks, but I’ve already got a bodyguard)

11.  大锤/巴蒂

大锤:你这种医疗兵从哪里学会使用这样的武器的 (Where did a medic like you learn to handle a weapon like that)

8D: 经历过太多次战斗总是能学会点儿什么的 (The number of battlefields I’ve seen. I was bound to pick something up)

12.  西格玛/百合

西格玛:我那天晚上在luna的歌舞演出上看到你了,下次想一起去吗 (I saw you on Luna’s cabaret the other evening. Would you care to go together sometime?)

百合:我喜欢一个人去 (I prefer to attend events alone)

西格玛:抱歉,是我冒犯了 (Sorry, I wouldn’t wish to intrude)


13.  托比昂/巴蒂

托比昂:你是叫巴蒂斯特吧,你一个雇佣兵怎么会有这么先进的技术。(Baptiste, was it? How did a mercenary like yourself come by such advanced technologies?)

8D:哦,我就只是用了我周围能找到的东西随便做的 (Oh I just make use of what I found lying around)

14.  托比昂/巴蒂


8D:那我们的敌人就完全没有赢的希望了 (Then our enemies would have no chance)

15.  托比昂/DJ

托比昂:这声波位移技术真是有意思啊 (Such intriguing sonic displacement technology)

DJ: 谢谢,这是我爸发明的,我觉得你俩应该很能合得来 (Thanks, my father invented it. You two would get along great)

16.  托比昂/大锤

托比昂:你能不要再说那些荒唐的故事了吗,根本没有人相信你 (You need to stop telling those ridiculous stories Reinhardt, no one believes they are real)

锤:荒唐?我的冒险传奇和荣耀全都是真实的。(Ridiculous stories? My tales of adventure and glory are all true)

托比昂:连那个疯子博士和女巫的故事也是?(Even that one about the mad doctor and the witch?)

大锤:特别是那个 (Especially that one)

17.  巴蒂/百合

百合:在Monte Cristi的事情之后,你还真敢出现在我面前

巴蒂:我这么帅有什么不敢的 (Well, it’s a pretty good face)

百合:你好啊巴蒂斯特,你觉得你能一辈子躲着黑爪吗 (Hello Baptiste, think you can hide from talon forever?)

巴蒂:你们可以派人来抓我,但是我觉得我我会先抓到他们 (you can send your people to find me, but I will find them first)

18.  百合/莫姨

百合:我们的敌人真的是很烦人 (Our enemies make such a nuances of themselves)

莫姨:我似乎感觉到了你的情绪,拉克瓦 (Is that an emotion I detect, Lacroix)

19.  百合/DJ

百合:你发出太多噪声了 (You’re making too much noise)

DJ:这不是噪声,这是音乐 (It’s not noise, it’s music)

百合:很好,你发出太多音乐了 (Very well, you’re making too much music)
