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神话时代扩展版5号升级档+破解补丁是玩家针对一款全新的即时战略游戏《神话时代扩展版》制作的升级加破解补丁。  该升级加破解补丁是一款非常好用的多功能补丁,不仅能够帮助玩家升级游戏最新更新内容,而且能够帮助玩家破解游戏最新游戏版本,让玩家能够轻松免费进入游戏体验该游戏的乐趣! 


  1、解压缩  2、复制Update文件夹下的升级补丁到游戏目录覆盖  3、复制Crack文件夹下的破解补丁到游戏目录覆盖  4、运行GameLauncher.exe开始游戏 


  Age of Mythology: Extended Edition Update v1.8.2722 Changelog:  Connectivity:  Relay network messaging is now being displayed for all users in the game lobby. This will help identify users who may cause poor network performance in multiplayer games due to their systems being behind a strict firewall and being rerouted through a relay network.  The Score HUD is now being displayed when one or more users are experiencing bad frame rate or ping. This will help identify users who are having performance issues and may be causing the game to lag for other users.  Frame rate and Ping icons are now more sensitive in game.  Resolved several OOS bugs, including an instance where observer view toggle could result in an OOS  Launch Failure Messaging:  Added messaging when video cards are below minimum spec.  Added messaging when Operating systems are below minimum spec.  Visual Improvements:  Units with projectiles now show their effects correctly.  The Fimbulwinter god power now animates correctly.  The Eclipse god power now animates correctly with Day/Night settings.  Army banners no longer appear as solid white.  Idle and Group banners no longer appear corrupted.  Banners no longer get darker when over certain terrain types.  General Bug Fixing:  Additional Brazilian Portuguese history text files have been integrated.  Various Brazilian Portuguese translation fixes have been integrated.  Users no longer get false messages when trying to join a lobby.  Cancelling after joining a game now rejoins global chat correctly.  User names in global chat now sort correctly.  User names in global chat no longer wrap.  Desync Tracking Beta Branch:  Additional tracking for desyncs has been integrated.  Logs are now uploaded automatically.
  • 神话时代扩展版5号升级档+破解补丁
关 键 词: 古欧洲 神话
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